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Tuesday 8 December 2009

Swangoing: Poisonous Method of Studying

poisoning is the most intelligent form of murder

BLIND EYE is a book written by James B. Stewart, the winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Blind Eye is a true story about Michael Swango, a serial killer, was suspected of having fatally poisoned more than 60 people between 1984 and 1997 as an intern or resident at a number of hospitals and health-care establishments. He may have poisoned and killed patients under his care over the past 10 years when he worked in Ohio, Quincy, Massachusetts, Virginia, South Dakota, New York, and Zimbabwe. In all those places, this affable doctor had been suspected in a number of deaths and sudden illnesses.

Swango did not often vary his methods of murder. With non-patients, such as his co-workers at the paramedic service, he used poisons, usually arsenic, slipping them into foods and beverages. With patients, he sometimes used poisons as well, but usually he administered an overdose of whichever drug the patient had been prescribed, or wrote false prescriptions for dangerous drugs for his patients.

When he was in medical school, he used to study while racing into the hall. Instead of studying days or weeks before the exams like the other students, he studied between exams. His classmates and lecturers called this method of studying as "swangoing" or "to swango". Now we all know it as "study in the last minutes", or "SKS:
Sistem Kebut Semalam".

After finishing my exams, i heard someone said "Goddamn SKS!" Oh.. you really don't know how great swangoing is. I am a BIG fan of swangoing. I always do my assignments and study for exams a night before, and sometimes couple hours before. I always do that because I know something good about swangoing: it is POISONOUS! Swangoing kills. Everytime I do swangoing, I am always scared of failing. But that is what I like most. I love that poison. That sensation, you know.. makes me live, energizes me.

Michael Swango was a murderer, and I know that I could be murdered, not by him but by his swangoing. And everytime I saved, I felt EXTREMELY satisfied.


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A real book is not one that we read, but one that reads us.
W. H. Auden

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